Where To Buy Colorescience
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It has been brought to our attention that certain unauthorized sellers carry what looks to be authentic Colorescience product, but we cannot guarantee this to be the case. While we are flattered, we cannot verify the authenticity, ingredients, or safety of products purchased through these unauthorized sellers. In some cases, the product may be original Colorescience product, but outdated, expired, or defective. If you suspect that you may have received counterfeit product and you would like to file an official report, please contact Colorescience at Concierge@colorescience.com.
Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present; we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit. When visiting us, please follow guidelines from the CDC and health officials. Get Details. Call for more information or to schedule your FREE consultation, 319-365-7721
Through this new collaboration, the two companies will seek opportunities to leverage their combined consumer expertise and market growth strategies to benefit both healthcare professionals and consumers. This will include the industry-leading ASPIRE Galderma Rewards loyalty program (www.aspirerewards.com), and Lasting Beauty Rewards (www.colorescience.com/rewards).
Colorescience offers a variety of discounts and promotions on its official website from time to time. There is a referral program where you can receive $20 store credits for every referral you make. You can also access the latest promotions and coupons on CouponFollow.
Colorescience offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all products purchased from its website. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please get in touch with the concierge team at concierge@colorescience.com to begin the process.
For all questions, you can reach a customer service concierge toll-free at (866) 426-5673. They are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. PT. You can also email them at concierge@colorescience.com, or send them a message through a form on their Customer Service page.
You are viewing current colorescience.com coupons and discount promotions for March 2023. For more about this website, and its current promotions connect with them on Twitter @colorescience, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram
Meet the new-and-improved version of Colorescience's award-winning mineral sunscreen brush. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide work together to reflect and scatter UV rays before they can infiltrate your skin and cause painful burns and damage that could contribute to uneven pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. Mica catches and reflects light, literally spotlighting your natural radiance. Toss it in your purse, gym bag or glove compartment for effortless sun protection wherever you go. 781b155fdc
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